Its A Boy's Life

Its A Boy's Life

Sunday, September 18, 2011

This one is not about the boys

Well, not yet anyway :)

I have been thinking alot about "bullying" lately. Seems funny, huh? Not really. I spend alot of time with teenagers and I watch the news. Seems like its everywhere, and not with just teenagers. I think sometimes we, as adults experience it too. In preparing to teach Sunday School to our church high schoolers, I have thought alot about my "teenage years " ( they seem forever ago, right?) I can't say I was "bully-ed" but I can say, as almost every teenager can, that there were some really mean people who said some really mean ( and untrue things) I won't go into details or use names b/c that was forever ago, and who knows, they may read this. As and adult, I can say that I still know people who belittle or manipulate others, to feel better about themselves. You know those "friends" The ones who are still the "mean girl" The ones who have to feel like they are number one, the best, the most popular, haha. I think we as Mom's sometimes do this, and NURSES are notorious for this, you know, like "nurses eat their young"

My friend Jen and I have been reading a book called "Sun Stand Still" by Steven Furtick. Not sure if I like it yet or not, but it talks alot about finding your "vision" For me, that means what is God giving me glimpses of ..where has He put me, what or who has He put on my heart. My high schoolers, oh how I love you stinky kids! If I had to say I had a vision ( and I really don't like that term) I would say it is for you guys to know who you are, as in WHO Christ has made you to be! That you are loved, beloved, important, complete... I wish I could go back to tell myself that, 12 years ago. That no matter what stupid thing people say about you, that Truth in the form of your Creator Himself is inside of you, and that you would know how powerful it is. That each of you could stand firm with that knowledge. That you would never feel inferior, left out or like the new kid :) That you would remember your emotions don't line up with the TRUTH of Who you are! I pray this for my Sunday Schoolers, my Ground Zeros, my Sister and my Perry Girls, and my girlfriends and new baby nurses!
And for me , the same.. :) And for you , the same :)

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