Its A Boy's Life

Its A Boy's Life

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Little Boys Have Big Ideas

That quote is from Jim Duggar.. you know, the father of 19 and counting? One of the truest statements about boys... mine certainly do! Every day, they figure out another way to be sneaky, cheeky, or downright adorable!

Yesterday, we had our 18 month appt! Can you believe it? They are 1 1/2 yrs old?
They are hard work, for real. They are a worthwhile, albeit exhausting challenge.. They are good birth control for any teenager :) ( so if you know one, who needs a wakeup call, we can have a play date) WHEW!

This weekend, we headed to Perry for Mother's Day. I love my family, and I love my Mama. I love watching my parents and sister with the boys, and they LOVE my family!!! ( ok, will stop being sentimental)

Here are some stats!
Nathan- holy moly, he is 27 lbs... He is tall too, above avg height for an 18 month old.. We call him "the first grader " Nathan loves to run, especially if he is holding something he isn't supposed to ! His vocab skills are taking off! Yesterday he told Ellie (our cat) "Good Morning" so cute!
He has been calling Noah "noey t" ( his street cred nickname) and he will repeat almost anything you DON'T want him too! He loves a good snuggle and a good book!

Noah- gained a little more weight, is 18 lb and 9 oz.. He is small in weight, height, and head circumference ( at least he is proportional) (sigh) Noah is walking and trying to RUN. SO much so, that his body gets ahead of his feet, and he falls, alot. So, he is covered in bruises, and has his 2nd black eye in 2 months. Noah loves music..drums and piano being his instruments of choice!
He LOVES to say "yeah" or "nah" He is also a climber, anything and everything ..Lord help me.

Here are some pictures from Easter..

1 comment:

  1. You are doing such a great job, Mommy! Love to see your pictures but best of all is holding those boys. You know, Nathan weighs more than my 2 year old Ethan! But we just have skinny boys. And boys DO have great big ideas...just wait until they start asking the "why?!" questions!
