Its A Boy's Life

Its A Boy's Life

Monday, April 2, 2012


Yep, Ninjas..little climbing, earring losing, front door locking, bubble drinking, food throwing ninjas. That was just since Saturday, seriously. As a type this, they are in their beds. I think. I hear Noah ( most likely) up knocking on something...probably the wall, or the door. Who knows.

The twos are here, and they are taking me for a ride. ( please don't reply and say the threes are worse, yeah, I know, hear it all the time) I am so thankful for them, for our lives, for how God provides for us, but for real, this is hard (duh) and people I AM TIRED.
Someone asked me the other day.. what is your schedule like.. ok here you go

5:30 _wake up/shower. Usually Noah wakes up now, and is watching fireman sam in my bed, or running around my room screaming, or putting my brush in the toilet, or pulling open the shower curtain, you know, normal toddler 5:30 am stuff.

6:30- Super Kathi, babysitter sent from God, gets to my house, I leave for work
7:30, pull in parking deck , hoping to see best friend to mentally get ready for our day
7:45-3:30-Piedmont Wound Clinic Madness
3:45- leave, either to gym or to pick up boys
Home by 6:00 or 6:30.Dinner
6:30 -outside, walk playground
7:30- bath
8:15, books and bed

8:30-me on couch, laundry, phone, TV , studying for cert exams..dunzo

There it is... not much wiggle room :) Don't get me wrong, I love our lives, but I would love more energy, or maybe a clone.
So I guess the point of this post is not to whine or gain sympathy, but to be honest and say I could use prayer or encouragement ( not to be confused with "advice")

Now, so not to end on a down note, here are a few things I am particularly thankful for...
-Summer is coming and so is VACATION
-Had a really good weekend, and hung out with some pretty awesome women who aren't afraid to -be real and speak TRUTH to each other.
-God has put a really sweet man in my life who mows grass, fixes mailboxes, puts together tricycles and he cooks too, ya'll!!
And of course, THESE:

The kids..not the bikes :)

So there you go, real deal, not so perfect Mama..



  1. You're doing an amazing job, Lacey! Heck, I am exhausted most days and I have a relatively helpful husband, a little guy who doesn't walk or talk back (yet!), and just a 20 minute commute to/from work!. I don't know how you do it. But I take one look at the pictures of your boys and see how much they're thriving! Will definitely keep you in my prayers!

  2. In the words of a woman I always admired when I was single who was all put together and professional, sophisticated, stylish, etc...she now has 3 kids under 5 and she posted recently her life in pictures. The messy house, the rag-muffin kids, the less than stellar looking jeans and T with pony mom look...her last line, "This is what I do MOST of the time. I clean up, pick up, vacuum up, empty dishwashers full of stuff, load laundry, unload laundry, fold laundry, put it away and start all over. I hold the baby so the toddler doesn't harm her. I build tents and forts and make more messes out of sheets, blankets and pillows. I go up and down the stairs a bazillion times and still can't fit into any of my clothes. I try to feign some sort of normalcy that reminds me of the days when I had control and cute shoes and necklaces without teethmarks and at least 15 minutes in the day to do something I wanted to do but those days are long gone. Everyone keeps telling me to "enjoy this time- it goes so fast." While I realize that, I think it would go faster if I got to sleep any longer than 4 hours at a time in the last three months. I love my kids. They are amazing. I laugh alot but I cry sometimes too because this motherhood thing is hard. Damn hard. And that friends, is the truth."....
    And it is. No shame in laying it all out there. I don't know how you do it, but you do and I think you ROCK!
