Its A Boy's Life

Its A Boy's Life

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Another one to help me remember..

I was thinking today about the funny, funny things that toddlers do and say..lots of that going on around here. In an ongoing effort to remember the little are a few for you.

Anytime we go somewhere, and someone says hi to them..Nathan immediately points to Noah and says TT..( his name for Noah) as if he is introducing him.

Right now we are obsessed with Thomas the Train, in particularly the "Lion Of Sodor " and "Creaky Cranky" but Nathan calls that last one "cranky cranky" Noah LOVES our Thomas the train sets..he has started saying Train, Choo Choo and Shake ( for the Shake Shake bridge) . He is always bringing me track pieces and trains to hook together. He has gotten really good at putting his trains away!

Noah likes to put himself in time out... If I come around the corner and he is sitting in the time out spot, I immediately look for something spilled or broken.

The other day, we turned in to ChicFila.. and Nathan clapped his hands with joy and said "oh, yeay! Nuggets!" ( oh dear)

Noah still wakes up almost every night around 3 am..he calls from his room Momma, UP, Momma Up.. and 9/10, I go get him and we snuggle and fall back asleep. Until he wakes me up pulling my hair asking for fireman sam. (sigh) The other night, he slid out of my bed, walked around and turned on my ipod alarm clock Nice way to wake up at 4am.

Both of them love a routine. When we go upstairs, one of them has to turn the light on, and Noah always goes first, then Nathan. And they always ask me to hold whatever it is they are holding.. milk cups, Nathan's frog, Noah's train...when we get to the landing, they both lay down and laugh...every.single.time.

Sometimes I think Nathan might be a little OCD.. he has a thing about doors.. he is always closing bedroom doors, bathroom doors..and now cabinet doors. If he is eating and a cabinet is open, he says "close it Mama" Weird, right?

Guess thats it for now!!! Pictures coming soon!


  1. That brought lots of smiles to my face. They are so precious, Lacey! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love this! I want to remember those little things, too! How J always introduces ALL of us and his brothers wherever we go...

    And don't worry about the doors -- Jacob did that, too, at that age, though come to think of it he still dislikes things "out of place" so maybe we both have OCD kids and we can commiserate together!
